The New Everton Stadium At Bramley-Moore Dock Has Been Given The Green Light, Here Is How Everton Could Look In The Next Few Years

Everton FC have received the green light from Liverpool City Council to build their new stadium at Bramley-Moore Dock in The Vauxhall District.
The Club has discussed the potential to demolish Goodison Park and build a selection of amenities such as shops, offices, green space and affordable housing as a lasting legacy to the area in which they originated more than 128 years ago in 1892.
They have said that the demolition of the stadium would not occur until after the completion of Bramley-Moore Dock Stadium in 2024, in which they hope to be playing at from the September of that year for the 2024/25 football season.

The current location of Everton FC's stadium is:
Goodison Park,
Goodison Road,
City of Liverpool, L4 4EL,
Liverpool City Region, UK.
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